Soul Prayer Session

Connection With the Creator

1 Session (Up to 3 Hours)

Experience a uniquely personal spiritual journey and find yourself becoming a conduit for blessings and messages from the Creator. 

In this session, Stacie will facilitate a deep connection with the Creator to unveil insights within you. Through this experience, you’ll discover your soul’s unique essence, receive inspiration the Creator wishes to share with you about your life, and forge a deeper connection to the Christ consciousness. 

What to Expect

Your experience begins in an intimate, nurturing atmosphere as you sit together and talk, connect, and share before beginning your session with prayer. Throughout the session, you will remain in a present, relaxed state connecting in the peaceful, relaxing, and loving energy as Stacie receives a series of channeled messages from the Creator that are uniquely meant for you.

This transformative session provides a deep discovery and acceptance of your true self, giving you tools and wisdom to create a more harmonious life. You will also address any burning questions and find clarity through the Creator’s wisdom. 

You can record your session, which allows you to revisit the experience anytime you wish for a beautiful time of reflection.

Sessions are available in-person or via video call. Private classes and 1:1 available upon request.


Group: $75 per person  |  Individual: $555